Thursday, September 10, 2015

Interview: Julian Kingman of, WordPress web design business tips

WordPress web design for small businesses

Julian Kingman is a GetApp community member who left a review for ActiveCampaign and is now joining us on this episode of our podcast. Julian is a web designer and developer who uses WordPress to help small businesses reach their goals.

Tips to get more clients

To get more customers to his freelance studio, Design Man Can, Julian recommends these tips from personal experience.

Consistent work ethics deliver results and get word of mouth referrals.
Create profiles on TaskRabbit and Craigslist to get discovered by new clients.
Network with your local community through
How to keep clients happy

Julian mentioned that a big part of his work was dedicated initially to discovering the real reason his clients need websites. These are some of the tools that help him stay on top of clients and diligent in his research.

Evernote to keep track of conversations and client needs/ideas/feedback.
Trello as a multitasking project management tool (CRM, project management and lead pipeline).
Recommended WordPress resources

Solving design and functionality issues is crucial to keeping his customers happy and referring him to their friends. These are a couple of WordPress tools that Julian fully recommends to anyone working with WordPress.

Pageline CMS, drag and drop custom theme creation.
Piklist to build functional web apps with WordPress.
ActiveCampaign for sales automation

What initially landed Julian on GetApp was how much of a fan he and his client where of ActiveCampaign. So much so that he left a review and now recommends it when Marketo is just toooooo pricey. The single thing Julian loves most about ActiveCampaign:

Tracking user behavior onsite to then send automatic and hyper relevant promotional messages based on what they did/saw on site.
Make sure to check out Julians work at

Add Contextual Help Screens to the WordPress 3.3 Help Tab

This video demonstrates how to add help tabs to the new WordPress 3.3 Help menu. I take you through the process line by line.

Sunday, September 6, 2015

How to Sign Up For Blog for Business

How to Sign Up For Blog for Business

More videos:

My Blog: